Dead Sea Travel Information

Natural therapeutic Dead Sea black mud, famous for its cosmetic and medicinal properties.

dead sea travel guide

  How would you like to travel to The Dead Sea and smother yourself all over with the medicinal Dead Sea Mud? It's supposed to do wonders for the skin. Ask the girls on the left for their opinion.

  A mere 40 minute drive from Jerusalem, and you reach the lowest place on earth- 400 meters below sea level. Even in the middle of winter, Jerusalem tourists can jump in the car, and reach a completely different climate. Highly recommended for any winter tourist to Jerusalem is to experience the breathtaking beauty of The Dead Sea area, with its wonderful nature reserve hikes, the flowing streams and waterfalls, and of course the experience of The Dead Sea itself.

 There are endless trails in The Dead Sea area, yet most people choose the Nahal David trail. It begins by the Dead Sea, and moves into the mountains, winding up into the hills passing several beautiful water falls and pools. Swimming is permitted in all these pools. The more adventurous can bring sandals along and follow the trail in the water. The scenery is wonderful, and the experience unforgettable. The Nahal Arugot trail is for the fitter tourists, and some trails can take up to 6 hours. Take plenty of water, and always wear a hat. There is a small fee to enter ( about 4 dollars), but it is worth every cent.

The Breathtaking beauty of The Ein Gedi nature reserve

Floating in The Dead Sea

Last but not least, there is floating in The Dead Sea itself. Take a paper, and put your feet up! A truly surreal experience that is unique to the salty Dead Sea. Get ready for pain if you have any minor cuts!